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How to Introduce English to Elementary Students



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Introducing a child to English can be a fun and enriching experience.

Here are some tips to get started:

Start Early

Children's brains are incredibly receptive to language during their early years of development.DALL·E 2023-01-24 22.08.04 - critical thinking gears in a brain graphic Studies have shown that children who are exposed to foreign languages at an early age have an easier time learning and retaining the language than those who start later in life. So, if you want to introduce your child to English, it's best to start as early as possible.

It's never too early to start introducing your child to English!


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NSEO teachers work with beginners to quickly accelerate their progress.

Read how NSEO student Mark went from barely speaking to speaking in full sentences and paragraphs - telling his own stories, reading and narrating stories all on his own:


Research has shown that young children have a remarkable ability to learn multiple languages simultaneously and that early exposure to English can have significant cognitive and academic benefits.

In fact, many experts recommend that parents start introducing their children to a second language as early as possible, ideally before the age of six. This is because young children have a greater capacity to learn and absorb new information, and their brains are better able to process and retain multiple languages.

Even if your child is older than six, it's still beneficial to start introducing them to English as soon as possible. The key is to make language learning a fun and engaging experience and to incorporate it into their daily routine in a way that feels natural and enjoyable.

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For more fun ideas to boost your child's English skills:


Ultimately, the most important factor is to start when you feel ready and to tailor your approach to your child's individual needs and learning style. With consistency and patience, you can help your child develop strong language skills that will benefit them throughout their life.

Use Interactive Media

book-hands-clipart-mdChildren learn best through play and interaction, so it's a good idea to use interactive media like songs, games, and videos to introduce them to the language. There are many language learning apps and websites designed specifically for children that incorporate fun activities and engaging content to help them learn.



Educational Videos

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Educational videos, such as those found on YouTube, can be a great way to introduce your child to English.

Look for videos that are designed for children and that incorporate songs, stories, and other engaging content.

Language Learning Games

There are many language learning games available online that can help your child develop their language skills while having fun. For example, the website, British Council's Learn English Kids offers a variety of language learning games and activities for children.

Music and Songs

DALL·E 2023-04-10 20.26.59Music is a great way to help children learn a new language. Look for children's songs in the language you are teaching and play them in the car or around the house. Sing along together to help reinforce new vocabulary and grammar.


Need some song ideas for your child?


Online Exchange Programs 

Online language exchange programs, such as PenPal Schools or ePals, can connect your child with native speakers of the language they are learning. This can provide an opportunity for your child to practice speaking and listening skills with someone who is fluent in the language.

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Make It a Part of Your Routine

Consistency is key when it comes to language learning, so it's important to make the foreign language a part of your child's daily routine. For example, you could designate a specific time each day to practice language skills, such as singing songs or reading stories in the foreign language.Use interactive media, such as language learning apps or educational videos, during this designated time. Work with your child to complete language lessons, play language learning games, or watch videos together.

Encourage your child to practice speaking and listening skills by engaging in conversation in the foreign language during this designated time. You could have a conversation about your day, practice ordering food at a restaurant, or play a game that requires communication in the foreign language.

Incorporate language learning into other daily activities. For example, you could sing songs in the foreign language during bath time, label objects around the house with their foreign language names, or read bedtime stories in the foreign language.


Make language learning a part of your child's daily routine in a way that feels natural and enjoyable. By incorporating language learning into daily activities and setting aside dedicated time each day for practice, you can help your child develop strong language skills and reinforce their learning over time.

Find a Language Partner

Practicing with a native speaker is one of the best ways to learn English. Look for language exchange programs or connect with NSEO to give your child the opportunity to practice speaking with someone who is fluent in the language.

NSEO is a great option to find a native speaker who can give your kids foreign language environment. Our teachers are ESL specialists and have a lot of experiences in children - they can find interesting topics for your child and encourage them to speak in English.

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Travel to a country where the language is spoken

Immersion is one of the most effective ways to learn a language, so consider planning a family vacation to a country where the language is spoken. This will give your child the opportunity to practice their language skills in a real-world setting and experience the culture firsthand.

HD wallpaper: World Map Dual Monitor, world map, Travel, Maps, water,  nature | Wallpaper Flare

English is widely spoken in the world. The USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand are some of the countries where English is the official language. 

In addition to these tips, it's important to remember that every child learns differently, so you may need to adjust your approach based on your child's individual needs and learning style. By incorporating language learning into your child's daily routine and making it fun and engaging, you can help them develop strong language skills that will benefit them throughout their life.


Overall, introducing your child to English can be a fun and enriching experience. Be patient, supportive, and celebrate their progress along the way. With consistent practice and exposure, your child can develop strong language skills that will benefit them for years to come.


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