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100+ Words for Elementary English Language Learners


Learning words is essential in learning English because it improves communication skills, comprehension, fluency, and writing. It enables learners to express themselves better and understand others. A larger vocabulary aids in understanding various English materials like books, movies, and articles, and in turn, fosters cultural appreciation. Additionally, it enables learners to write more clearly and express their thoughts more effectively, which enhances their overall language proficiency.


Here are 100+ basic words for your kids to improve their vocabulary in their daily life:

Words related to time/nature (시간과 자연에 관련된 단어)

  1. Afternoon - 오후
  2. Evening - 저녁
  3. Moon - 달
  4. Morning - 아침
  5. Night - 밤
  6. Sea - 바다
  7. Sky - 하늘
  8. Star - 별
  9. Sun - 해
  10. Tree - 나무
  11. Mountain - 산
  12. Grass - 잔디
  13. Hill - 언덕
  14. Flower - 꽃
  15. Beach - 해변

Words related to hobbies (취미에 관련된 단어)

  1. Art - 미술
  2. Book - 책
  3. Dance - 춤
  4. Movie - 영화
  5. Music - 음악
  6. Swim - 수영
  7. Computer - 컴퓨터
  8. Game - 게임

Words for animals (동물)

  1. Animal - 동물
  2. Fish - 물고기
  3. Dog - 개
  4. Cat - 고양이
  5. Rabbit - 토끼
  6. Duck - 오리
  7. Horse - 말

Words to use in daily life (일상 생활)

  1. Family - 가족
  2. Friend - 친구
  3. Home - 집
  4. School - 학교
  5. Paper - 종이
  6. Pen - 펜
  7. Pencil - 연필
  8. Phone - 핸드폰
  9. Teacher - 선생님
  10. Student - 학생
  11. Shop - 가게

Verbs to describe basic actions, feeling (동사)

  1. begin - 시작하다
  2. close - 닫다
  3. cry - 울다
  4. draw - 그리다
  5. drink - 마시다
  6. eat - 먹다
  7. hate - 싫어하다
  8. jump - 뛰다
  9. know - 알다
  10. laugh - 웃다
  11. learn - 배우다
  12. like - 좋다
  13. listen - 듣다
  14. play - 놀다
  15. read - 읽다
  16. remember - 기억하다
  17. run - 달리다
  18. Sing - 노래하다
  19. stop - 멈추다
  20. take - 가져가다
  21. talk - 말하다
  22. teach - 가르치다
  23. think - 생각하다
  24. wake - 일어나다
  25. walk - 걷다
  26. work - 일하다
  27. write - 쓰다
  28. find - 찾다
  29. give - 주다
  30. go - 가다
  31. dislike - 싫어하다
  32. end - 끝나다
  33. jump - 뛰다
  34. love - 사랑하다

Words to describe feelings, and mood (감정)

  1. angry - 화난
  2. Fear - 두려움
  3. happy - 행복한
  4. funny - 재미있는
  5. quiet - 조
  6. quiet - 조용한
  7. sad - 슬픈
  8. loud - 시끄러운
  9. scared - 무서운

Temperature (온도)

  1. hot - 더운
  2. cool - 시원한
  3. cold - 추운
  4. warm - 따뜻한

Words for size and location (크기와 위치)

  1. big - 큰
  2. small - 작은
  3. fast - 빠른
  4. slow - 느린
  5. down - 아래에
  6. high - 높은
  7. low - 낮은
  8. right - 오른쪽
  9. in - ~에
  10. left - 왼쪽
  11. off - 끄다
  12. on - ~에
  13. open - 열려 있는
  14. over - ~ 위에
  15. out - 밖으로
  16. under - 아래에
  17. up - 위로

Words for transportation (교통)

  1. Bike - 자전거
  2. Boat - 보트
  3. Car - 자동차
  4. Train - 기차
  5. Plane - 비행기

Extra (그 외)

  1. sleep - 잠
  2. Hope - 희망

Use them to create flash cards or practice using them in sentences with your child.

In conclusion, the significance of learning English vocabulary cannot be overstated. It is vital for effective communication, comprehension, fluency, and writing skills, and facilitates a deeper understanding and appreciation of English-speaking cultures. A broader vocabulary empowers learners to express themselves more confidently and comprehend various English materials, making them more proficient in the language overall.

Start NSEO classes today to build your child’s vocabulary in a fun, authentic language learning program!