Now Speak English Online

IELTS Speaking Preparation with Online English Tutoring: Tips and Strategies

Written by Rebecca Taylor | 12.23

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a widely recognized English proficiency exam designed to assess a candidate's language skills.

Among the four sections of the IELTS exam, the speaking section can be particularly challenging for many students.

Scoring well in this section is not only about fluency in English but also requires a strategic approach to showcase your language skills effectively.

In this guide, we will discuss the IELTS speaking section's requirements, scoring criteria, tips for preparation, and how Now Speak English Online can assist you in achieving your desired score.

IELTS Speaking Section Requirements

The IELTS speaking section consists of three parts and takes approximately 11-14 minutes to complete. The test is conducted in a one-on-one interview format with an examiner. The three parts include:

Part 1: Introduction and interview (4-5 minutes) – The examiner will ask general questions about your life, interests, and experiences.

Part 2: Long turn (3-4 minutes) – You will be given a task card with a topic to speak about for 1-2 minutes, followed by a discussion with the examiner.

Part 3: Discussion (4-5 minutes) – The examiner will ask questions related to the topic in Part 2, allowing for a more in-depth conversation.

Scoring Criteria

IELTS speaking scores are determined based on four criteria:

  1. Fluency and Coherence – Your ability to speak at an appropriate pace, connect ideas logically, and maintain a consistent flow of speech.
  2. Lexical Resource – Your use of a wide range of vocabulary and the ability to use the correct words and phrases for the given context.
  3. Grammatical Range and Accuracy – Your ability to use various grammatical structures accurately and flexibly.
  4. Pronunciation – Your ability to speak clearly and understandably, with appropriate intonation and word stress.

Each criterion is scored on a scale of 0-9, and the final score is the average of the four criteria.

Preparation Tips

  1. Familiarize yourself with the test format – Understand the structure and requirements of the IELTS speaking section, as well as the types of questions you may encounter.
  2. Expand your vocabulary – Regularly practice using new words and phrases, focusing on different topics to improve your lexical resource.
  3. Practice grammatical structures – Focus on using a variety of sentence structures, including complex sentences, and ensure their accurate usage.
  4. Develop pronunciation and intonation – Work on speaking clearly and with natural intonation to enhance your overall speaking skills.
  5. Record yourself – Record your speaking practice sessions, then listen and analyze your performance to identify areas for improvement.
  6. Practice with a partner or tutor – Engage in regular conversations and mock interviews with native English speakers or experienced tutors to receive valuable feedback and guidance.

How Now Speak English Online Can Help

Now Speak English Online offers a comprehensive IELTS speaking preparation program designed to help you achieve your desired score. Here's how our platform can assist you:

  1. Expert tutors – Our experienced and certified tutors understand the IELTS exam requirements and can provide personalized guidance based on your needs.
  2. Flexible scheduling – Schedule one-on-one sessions with our tutors at your convenience to maximize your learning experience.
  3. Customized lesson plans – Tutors create tailored lesson plans, focusing on your areas of improvement and targeting specific IELTS speaking criteria.
  4. Mock interviews – Participate in realistic mock interviews with our tutors, simulating actual test conditions and receiving constructive feedback.
  5. Progress tracking – Monitor your progress through regular assessments and receive detailed feedback to help you stay on track and motivated.


Preparing for the IELTS speaking section requires not only fluency in English but also a strategic approach to showcase your language skills effectively. By understanding the test requirements, scoring criteria, and implementing the preparation tips discussed in this guide, you can significantly improve your chances of achieving a high score.

Now Speak English Online is committed to helping students excel in their IELTS speaking preparation. Our expert tutors, customized lesson plans, and personalized support provide a comprehensive solution to help you reach your goals. By choosing Now Speak English Online, you can be confident that you are taking the right steps towards success in the IELTS speaking section and unlocking new opportunities for your future.