Now Speak English Online

Benefits of Learning English in Primary School: The Prime Age

Written by Rebecca Taylor | 07.23


As you already know, English is an essential skill in today's interconnected world. It opens doors to better opportunities and enables effective communication across cultures. But when is the best time to introduce your child to this global language? And how can native speakers contribute to their learning journey? In this article, we'll explore the prime age to start learning English, the advantages of involving native speakers, and the benefits of online video lessons.

The Prime Age to Start Learning English

Research suggests that the earlier a child is exposed to a new language, the easier it is for them to learn and become fluent. Therefore, starting your child's English education in primary school (around ages 5-7) is highly recommended.

At this age, children are more receptive to learning new languages, and their brains can quickly absorb new sounds, grammar rules, and vocabulary. Moreover, they are naturally curious and unafraid of making mistakes, making it the perfect time for them to embark on their language learning journey.

The Benefits of Native Speaker Involvement 

Involving native speakers in your child's English education can significantly impact their progress. The advantages of native speaker involvement go beyond the classroom, providing a more comprehensive learning experience.

Here are several reasons why native speakers are invaluable in the learning process:

  • Authentic accents and pronunciation: Native speakers provide an authentic model of the language, helping your child develop a natural accent and accurate pronunciation. By mimicking native speakers, your child will learn the correct rhythm, intonation, and stress patterns of English.
  • Cultural insights: Learning English is not just about grammar and vocabulary; it's also about understanding the culture. Native speakers bring cultural insights, idioms, and colloquial expressions to the table, enriching your child's overall learning experience. Through engaging stories, songs, and activities, native speakers can introduce various aspects of their culture, broadening your child's worldview.

It is possible to have the benefits of language immersion and take classes from anywhere you'd like with NSEO!

  • Real-life communication: Interacting with native speakers allows your child to practice their listening and speaking skills in real-life situations, boosting their confidence and fluency. Through conversation practice, your child will learn how to express themselves effectively, ask questions, and respond appropriately in different contexts.
  • Increased motivation: Learning from native speakers can be inspiring and motivating for children. They will feel more encouraged to practice their language skills and strive for fluency when they see the benefits firsthand.

Online Video Lessons with Native Speakers

Online video lessons with native speakers offer a unique and interactive way to introduce your child to English.

These lessons provide several advantages that make them an ideal option for busy families and children:

  • Flexibility: Online lessons can be scheduled at convenient times, allowing your child to learn at their own pace and ensuring they never miss a class. This flexibility also means you can choose the most suitable time of day when your child is most alert and receptive to learning.

  • Personalized learning: Customized lessons cater to your child's unique needs, strengths, and weaknesses, making learning more efficient and effective. Native speaker tutors can assess your child's progress, provide feedback, and adapt their teaching methods to suit your child's learning style.


  • Engaging content: Interactive games, quizzes, and multimedia content make online lessons enjoyable and engaging, ensuring your child stays motivated and interested. These interactive elements also help reinforce learned concepts, making them more memorable.
  • Safe learning environment: Online video lessons provide a secure and controlled learning environment, ensuring that your child can focus on their studies without distractions or safety concerns.

Enroll now in NSEO to get personalized video lessons tailored to your child's interests.

Our one-on-one video lessons create a strong bond between the student and their dedicated teacher, ensuring an effective and enjoyable learning experience.

Here's why we recommend our platform:

  • Experienced native speakers: Our tutors are carefully selected, experienced native speakers who are passionate about teaching and skilled at working with children.
  • Customized lessons based on interests: We tailor lessons to suit your child's needs and interests, ensuring they receive the most effective learning experience possible. If your child loves BTS, for example, we'll incorporate BTS-related material into our lessons to keep them engaged and motivated.

  • Strong one-to-one relationships: Our platform focuses on building a strong connection between your child and their teacher. This personal relationship helps boost your child's confidence, fosters open communication, and allows for better understanding of their individual learning needs.
  • Interactive classes: Our platform utilizes cutting-edge technology and engaging content to create a fun and dynamic learning environment. Students can easily interact with their tutors, ask questions, and receive instant feedback.
  • Cultural learning: As your child learns English, they will also gain valuable insights into the culture of native English-speaking countries. This exposure to different customs, traditions, and perspectives will enrich their overall educational experience and help them develop a deeper understanding of the world.
  • Affordable and accessible: With a variety of pricing options and classes available 24/7, Now Speak English Online is both affordable and accessible for families around the world.